thanks for your input...

FLAKY?... well, seeing as I've read so much fanfic which agrees with you on that one, I guess the consensus is she is flaky....

and I too thought S2 looked more like Lois, which is one of the reasons I asked which one worked better on screen... so as to judge more than on pure appearances....

guess it's up to me now to write the thing...

but I liked the idea of the sisterly, caring Lucy... more than just a pretty face so to speak...

as to why I'm not posting...
well I better rephrase that into...
I don't know how long it will take to finish (if it will get finished at all), as it is just in the development stages... hence I didn't want you to get your hopes up...

so I like S1 then,
casual, and carefree, yet loving and caring...
light, yet dark... soft, yet hard, ... pink, yet blue... ..... .... .... ,...

Also, from one Einstein's Daughter to another..., you gotta love that frizzled/curly hair
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol blush

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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