I'm at that spot right now.

I'm ready to delete my Nano fic and never visit it again, but I've poured way to many hours into it now. It may never actually get posted at this rate, but I'm not going to delete it.

However, I don't know that I'm going to finish it either. I'm totally burned out on it and since I'm not posting yet, there's no FDK to help with that [though Alisha's beta comments are most helpful in that regard wink and the comments from the others who have helped with it have been as well - Missy, Kaylle, Bethy, etc.].

I am working on an HiM rewrite [about half done, maybe a bit more] that had Kaylle giggling a little while ago so maybe that will help get the muse back in working order [she's phoning this rewrite in from the Himalayas - she's climbing Mt. Everest this spring unless I can entice her back].

Okay - kids are not sleeping and since she's just taken me back off hold I better get to it.

Edit: As to whether something is good or not... right now I think everything's bad smile .