I always thought of Metropolis as New York and Gotham as Chicago, which would make it about 800 miles.
Yeah, Metropolis is their depiction of NYC and Gotham of Chicago -- but on a map, Gotham wouldn't be that far away from Metropolis. wink

sometimes twin cities across a bay.
Yeah, that's what I believe, too... Like Gotham is in New Jersey, or something. Thanks for the links, Carol! smile

I know Metropolis is supposed to be right near the Atlantic -- it's like that in all the movies, afaik. So that's what I usually go by. Screw Smallville and Metropolis, Kansas. That's just stupid, now.

And this is what Gotham looks like, according to DC, but... where the heck that is, really. I dunno. *lol*

I thought there might be some more "factual" info someplace... heh.

I guess I'll go with the cities across the bay thing and figure there's a ferry between both. And pretend that'll be enough. *giggles*


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies