well, okay - no way at all I can get all the reading done to nominate fairly.

What I have always done in the past is to go through the list, make sure I've read all the vignettes, read the first several pages of all fics, then read all the stories whose first several pages hooked me, then reread some I'd read earlier in the year to compare. Then decide on 4 or 5 in each category.

Well, can't be done this year.

So, what to do? Not nominate? That would be the fairest thing, but not too personally satisfying. smile

Or just go with the stories I have read (mostly in the first couple of months last year, and in the last few months) and the stories of the authors I've read in the past and really liked?

So what do others do? Are any of you in the same situation as I am? In that case will you nominate? If you do decide to, how will you make your decision? Or will you just wait for the nominees list and then vote on those? Or...?
