Just sent in my nomination form, and man it was hard not to list everything! And this was just the nomination process! There were so many great stories on the boards last year, I don't know how I'll pick any single one in any category. And the new author category? Yeesh! Not one of them is bad, and every one has something to bring to fandom. I was nominated my first year, but I don't know that I could compete with such a talented group of newcomers as these. I probably wouldn't show up on very many nomination forms!

I am so thankful to be involved with such a talented group of writers and commenters here! I would like to register my admiration for all of you.


Thanks for letting me play in your sandbox, FOLCs. It has been and continues to be great fun.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing