In Colorado, there is a road called the Million Dollar Highway.

I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it. It certainly seems like a dangerous stretch of road. I need somewhere - preferably in Colorado nearish to a ski resort [there is skiing in Silverton on one end of the Million Dollar Highway] where a certain couple could drive along it in the winter and slide off the side, preferably into water. [Yes, the term evil does come to mind *sigh *]. Does the Million Dollar Highway fit the bill? If there's no water at the bottom [preferably not too close to Silverton], can I pretend there is [it is an AltU after all]?

I'm working on editing my NaNo fic and I want to make sure I have some details right before I post it. This is important to the first post so I definitely can't post till I get this figured out. I think the first 7-8 posts are just about ready to go but after that some major revisions are needed [that may need to be referenced in those first posts], but I'm hoping to get it doneish and posted soon[ish].

Any help is appreciated smile .

[Linked Image]
There's another modern picture here about 3/4 of the way down the page.

There's another good one here , but it won't let me post it.

TIA smile .