Something's been weighing on my mind a lot, especially as I enter young adulthood.

Why does Lois have to choose Clark over Superman?

Almost every story cements the notion that Lois must choose Clark in order to be rewarded with the Clark/Superman combo. Okay, so Clark is the arguably real persona (And even stories that note the false choice still tend to have Lois choose Clark, but maybe lecture him later on.) but Lois doesn't know that.

If Clark and Superman *were* two different people, would Lois still be "shallow" for wanting Superman over Clark?

Fannish drooling aside, she knows he's a decent guy. The fact that he has a likable personality while in tights is what makes him approachable; just compare him to Batman. (The spooky Batman, not the 60s guy). The only real difference (in *this* continuity) is that Superman has powers, Clark doesn't. Superman saves lives everyday, Clark writes about it. In the older comics, the differences get worse.

I feel like I'm being sent a message that, "In order to get what you want in life, you must significantly lower your standards and not go after what seems like the best/most attractive option."

Now, I don't blame any FoLCs personally for this. It's a myth that was handed to us, and we take turns passing it around. I'm just starting to wonder, that's all. sad
