Never had a broken arm. I broke the same ankle four times, though -- once at the age of 14, falling out of a tree, once at 32, falling down a
flight of steps, and twice, a year apart, in my 40s because the tendons in the ankle had stretched, making it easier to turn. Haven't done it since, though, in spite of plenty of opportunities. I did a lot of walking with weights on my ankles and it seems to have strengthened the muscles enough that it has protected the ankle whenever I've managed to turn it after that.

Anyway, there's one thing that no one mentioned about the itching, and as a nurse I know you're not supposed to do it. The thing is, it's realistic to mention it because it's done a lot. A great many people take a wire coat hanger, straighten it out and use it to reach down inside the cast to scratch the itchy spots. You can cause infections that way, although I've never seen it happen, but believe me, the agonizing itching makes it worth the risk. (I know, I know. Bad medical advice, but it still gets done, even by supposedly responsible adults, including yours truly ...)


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.