I'm writing a fic based around some of the more hilarious incidences that i have encountered whilst working as a nanny

I just want to know what would your opinions be about privacy and such for the families from which I have gathered my stories...

Here's how it goes all of the following have been changed in order to do my best at protecting them:

names for all children
Different family make-up
(I.E number of kids and distribution of sexes amongst the kids)

and the story does not involve a NANNY
so the circumstances may happen while with a Baby-sitter (non-nanny) or with the parents themselves (if the situation allows)

I have also not indicated which circumstances were changed or anything...

The real parents themselves are in fact replaced by either L&C or other characters from the show....

The only way that I could possibly perceive for their privacy to be violated would be if any of you knew the parents in question or friends of the family (Which I have no way of knowing) and you have heard through whatever grapevines that operate, as I often told the parents about any particularly funny sayings etc.

Do you think there is anything else I can do for their privacy...
Do you think this is enough

I want to add that I have the deepest respect for the parents, and admire their commitment, devotion and deep love for their children, and would never want to offend the families in any way

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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