Let's see:
roast beef
BBQ beef (AKA loose meat served with ketchup and sweet relish on a bun)
fried chicken
roast chicken
green beans with onion and bacon
mashed potatoes

If you're looking for something specifically mid-west, look to Americanized versions of German cooking. Not too much sauce, but very hearty. Farmers generally eat big at breakfast and lunch and eat light at supper. (It's breakfast, dinner, supper.)

Also, older mid-westerners salt EVERYTHING - green onions, celery, melons, any vegetable on the table unless it's green salad - and sometimes that'll get salt too.

I'm serious here - a mid-westerner will pour a little pile of salt on their plate and dip their green onions and celery in it - for each bite! Of course, Kansas gets damnably hot in summer so it does make sense when you work without AC.

(I can just see Lois's reaction to Clark doing that at lunch sometime.)

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm