Okay - so I've been out of lurkdom for a while again and I've opened a fic file and even written in it smile .

And now I'm looking for a new beta frown . The frown is because all my old ones have moved on and I miss them, but I am am looking forward to [hopefully] getting to know a new one or two smile . JoJo has already graciously agreed to beta for me and has read this and given some great suggestions.

I've got about 24 pages written of this latest fic [7 pages Prologue, 12 pages Chapter 1, 7 pages of unfinished Chapter 2]. It needs work and quite a bit of it needs advice - removing redundancies, reworking awkward scenes etc. - JoJo has already given me some FABULOUS thoughts on that but I haven't gotten them done yet - trying to get the muse working on something new rather than trying to tweak old stuff.

Warnings: This is a very busy semester for me. I am teaching four classes with two new textbooks to work from [and therefore all new lecture notes etc.] and one of them just had 60 years added to it [US Hist II used to go to WWII, now goes to the present *sigh*] so that takes priority. I'm also getting ready to start a grad course [that won't last too long but will require a lot of writing]. With all of that it's entirely possible that it will be quite a while before this sees the light of day and that days or weeks could go by when I don't write anything. I also have a newborn, of course, and 3 other kids, ages 6 and under.

All that said... smile I'm very excited about this fic and can't wait to see where the muse goes with it. My hope is that I'll be able to use it as a break from all the other less fun stuff - like the 15 page paper I'm going to have to do on church-state relations smile .

What I need help with: general characterizations, plot brainstorming type stuff, a title because the working one stinks and the one I thought of already has two on the archive [I know, I know, no rule about that but still...]. Oh and a name for one of the characters because I don't like mine and JoJo doesn't either but we haven't come up with anything else yet. It's going to be moderately long when it's all said and done [it's already 24 pages and not even really ramped up yet - could be my longest fic yet] and I won't start posting until I have LOTS of it done already because I don't want to get in the middle of it and then lose the buffer and not have time to work on it. I do expect next semester to be easier if I don't have this done by then. I should only be teaching one course [four classes, one course] and won't have the grad class and hopefully DS9w will be on a schedule and such by then.

I'm not going to mention the basic premise etc., because I don't want it out there for public consumption yet, but it is an elseworlds/alt universe fic [I can never keep those straight], but not a universe we saw on the show. It's more drama than anything which scares me a bit as my vignettes/comedy pieces tend to be better IMO and I'd really like this one to come out well because I think it's a great premise and I really want to do it justice.

So if you're interested and I haven't scared you off yet, I'd love to have one or two more betas willing to help with those things smile .

Thanks smile .