At one LAFF, Tim Minear came by and talked to us during the banquet. He mentioned, among a lot of other things, that the baby was supposed to be a super powered descendent of Lois and Clark's. Since that was about as straight from the horse's mouth as you can get, I think you can make whatever assumptions you like about Superman's DNA. I suspect that Dr. Lane's remark in The Family Hour -- "This can't be right" -- might have been an initial laying of the ground work for that.

In any case, they were never clear about what Dr. Klein actually found. He suspected -- without seeing, apparently -- that Superman's DNA was a lot more complex than a human's, but later he said that the results looked promising. They would probably have had some kind of explanation for the negative results in the next season if there had been one -- tampering by Tempus, maybe. I'd think that, if you wanted to, you could say that Superman's DNA was pretty human with only a few minor differences that apparently give him the ability to absorb sunlight and thereby produce the super powers. That's something they tell you in writing science fiction these days -- don't explain too much. Nobody is really interested in how some piece of advanced technology works. All they really want is to know that it *does* work. I think you could say the same about Superman's DNA. Is it compatible with a human's? Well, Tim Minear inferred it was, so it couldn't be *too* different from ours.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.