Hm well depending on how evil your thoughts are...I'm product of Jesuit education, so I'm sure I've got more stories around depending on what kind of situation you're looking for. But here are my top three.

There was a kid I went to school with, and his name was Roe. Well, Roe has some very curly hair when he grows it out, so he got nicknamed Afroe. There was a song and everything...

In college, there was a guy who used to sleep on the third west dorm floor so often that they nicknamed him The Cat. He used to just roam around and sleep in whomever's room he felt like...

One of my friends in college, her name was Christina. And then it got shortened to Xtina. And then Xena, Warrior Princess. And then just Warrior Princess, and soon we had a battle cry for every time we saw her...I think she's finally starting to live it down, but I think it started to p*ss her off after a couple of years. wink


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy