HEY, I;m a scientist at heart.....

I THOUGHT OF Something that would "solve" any questions raised within any fics (giving the author options as-well)

by using some sort of test that measured activity of the immune system, and hence the compatibility of the blood, despite any species, or other genetic differences.

perhaps through immuno-fluorescence that measures the reactivity of the immune system by creating a change in chemical structure that produces a visible----and measurable through spectroscopy--- changes in the blood when the cytokines react with other molecules

this would be based upon the scientific basis behind the ABO+/- differences, but take into account any other possible differences the Kryptonian inheritance may incorporate.....

at the same time the author would be free to chose any results they wanted, just by doing a test as the one above, and simply state that because kryptonians are different anyway, the analysis does nt have to be on the ABO level, but on purely individual donor-recipiant basis (As the classifications we have are only there to simplify and speed up the donation process due to pre-assessed criteria based upon a "purely human" (???? I dont know????) phenomenon)

hope you understood,
and I hope it wasn't too waffly, and you could at least follow my train of thought enough to look into this yourselves..

look at ABO and rhesus factors from wikipedia if you want, I'm sure they will be adequate, but I am too tired to do any research tonight.

it is 1/2 past midnight, I have had 8 hours sleep in the last 64h, and will get less than 6 tonight before a 12 hour day tomorrow

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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