I have been re-reading stories from the archive by author. In my haze of all things L and C, well particularly C, wink I forgot the name of one story that I'd love to remember..re-read one day again. Clark returns from New Krypton by calling Lois at his parent's house to say he has a Christmas gift for her. (which in reality is himself calling from the farm's front porch). Once they reuniute and that same evening marry during a holiday church service, Clark gives Lois a gift from Zara and Ching. It's some sort of information chip which among other things tells Lois that Krypton's scientists have found a way to combat the affects of Kryptonite on Clark. It was just so heartfelt that I'd love to read it again! smile

Any ideas? I am almost sure it is closer to the end of the alphabet in terms of author last names..possibly R or S. I checked but cannot seem to find it.
