Who needs villians? I think they just interrupt the sex...errrr

Okay, villians always seem coolest to me when I get them at the end, but of course they've been doing stuff all along to cause problems. It did seem like every episode of LNC the villian was shown to us right at the beginning and Lois and Clark would foil all his subplots throughout the show or fall right into his trap with a last minute save. That always seemed kind of lame to me.

You could just go the circumstance route and have the villian fall into the same problems as LNC simply as a matter of happenstance and they only duke it out because they're in close proximity. Joss did this well during all his shows a couple few times. (Jayne Cobb is SO hot!)

Anyway, I hate villians, they always interrupt the good st....

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!