I had the pretty typical symptoms: Extremely nauseus/queasy (as in all day 24/7 ALL 9 months!! Whoever called this morning sickness was deluding themselves!), and pretty tired (although I don't recall if that was during the 1st trimester as much as the 2nd and 3rd). But we had been trying for quite awhile, so were very much looking for any signs. I never really did the puking thing, nor had any significant cravings, but my eating patterns changed incredibly: didn't want to eat anything (in fact I lost 20 lbs the first trimester), and when I finally did, not much that I typically enjoyed tasted good. I ended up enjoying foods that I hadn't previously enjoyed (ham, shrimp). Saltines and pretzels were my constant companion from the moment I woke up (literally... they sat next to my bed) until I went to sleep...it was worse the 1st half of the pregnancy, but never really left until I gave birth.

It was the same for both pregnancies for me.

Hope this helps some!