I've got an idea for... something... that would take place at the time of HiM. But - sadly enough blush - there's quite a bit of the a-plot that I don't understand. And I would need to so I can write something that makes sense. laugh

If I understand correctly, this time, Luthor isn't the bad guy at all - he's one of the "injured parties". Is that right? He just happened to be rich enough to have funded the Shock Wave project that Roarke wants to blow up so he can replace it with his own?

Is that it? Or did I get that all wrong? (I admit that what I most remember from the ep is definitely NOT the a-plot... and it was confusing enough anyway that I never quite got the idea behind it.)

Hopefully I'm right because that would mean I can write this story. It would have a title that begins with the letter F, if anyone still remembers what that means. <Lara whistles innocently>

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies