Hi, ya'll. Quick question.

I haven't seen Season 4 in years (since they stopped playing repeats on TNT or TBS) and I'm drawing a complete blank.

I seem to recall in the episode where Lois & Clark are playing strip poker at the townhouse that one is sitting on the couch and the other is across like a coffee table sitting on something else. Is it a couch? Or a chair?

I'd check, but I can't even remember which episode this is from (I want to say, maybe it's I've Got You Under My Skin, but again, it's been years since I've seen S4).

Help, please? Right now I have Lois, Clark & H.G. Wells standing around in the livingroom and I keep yelling at them to sit down, but you know, I don't know what they can sit *on* so it's really my fault . . . wink

Thanks, much, in advance.

LL: I had this one [nightmare] last week. Really scary. This . . . uh . . . guy wearing a red cape.
CK: Wow, that sounds horrible, Lois.
-- Smallville, Episode #422