I'm currently reading a story where there is a time zone problem. I've read other stories with the same problem or a problem with the number of time zones between Metropolis and California or Kansas. So I've researched this and here goes:

We all assume Metropolis is on the East Coast since in the pilot that is where it appeared to be when they used the map so show Clark flying to get the Chinese food. Also we had an ocean in Shockwave episode. So if we take it for granted that this is so then:

1. Metropolis would be in the Eastern Time Zone.

2. Kansas (except for the far western side - not farming country it would appear) is in the Central Time Zone. (I know I've read stories where the authors have the Kents go to Wichita for an airport which would definitely put them in this time zone.) So if it is 8pm in Metropolis it is 7pm in Smallville.

3. The next time zone would be Mountain which is mainly made up of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

4. California, Washington and Oregon make up the last time zone for the 48 continuous states. This is the Pacific time zone.

I didn't bother with Alaska and Hawaii.

So if Metropolis is Eastern Time Zone 8pm
then (Kansas)Central Time Zone 7pm
the Mountain Time Zone 6pm
and Pacific Time Zone 5pm

Just thought I would pass this information on because I love reading the stories here but when the authors have Lois and Clark moving around the country with an impossible time flow for some unknown reason it makes me nuts. My problem but I figured the mistakes where because people didn't know what was in which time zone. There is a map of them in the front of every American phone book I believe. That is where I found mine.

So please no one take offense at this I'm just trying to be helpful. thumbsup