I came across a website in the course of my job that I thought might be of use to people whose first language isn't English. I'm putting the topic here because it could be useful for fanfic wink

The site is Dave\'s ESL Cafe . There are lots of links related to learning English as a foreign language, and there's also a discussion forum for students of English to talk to each other.

But perhaps most useful from a writing point of view is the Help Centre , where ESL teachers will answer questions about grammar, word usage, syntax and so on. I had a look at a few of the threads - some of the questions are quite sophisticated, and the answers try to explain the grammatical or usage rule as clearly as possible. The teachers are American, so a couple of times I felt that UK English would give a different answer, but that's no big deal.

Hope some of you find it helpful.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*