Of course I think Lex in Smallville is also written better--a more complex character--than he is in Lois and Clark. Even halfway through the fifth season I couldn't figure him out. (I am not up to date on my Smallville frown )
They keep you wondering if he has an ulterior motive, just about everytime he makes a move. I love that! Same with Lionel, actually - for the life of me I still don't know whose side he's on, the good guys or the bad guys? Makes it a lot more interesting!! As for Lana, she so bland and boring, even when they give her powers - or kill her off and ressurect her! - she still isn't half as interesting as Shelby, the dog...

(don't shoot me, I know I'm way off my own topic!)

I write entire chapters of 'A New Hero' while I'm lying in bed. Then I get up and write it. Now if I could only type as fast as I can think...
hehehe! Same here! I write pages and pages of stuff in my head, all the time: in the shower, on the bus, during meetings at work (eh!) and half the time while I'm lying in bed. When I'm near a computer, I boot it up and start writing, otherwise, I carry a notebook around everywhere I go just in case I need to take notes. Mind you, this isn't new - I always used to do that, it's just... well... worse, now. hehe!

I was up half the night developping the characters for this story so you can bet I'll bet you'll be reading some of it in the near future. Oddly, though, I don't have a title for it... usually it's one of the first things that I come up with after the idea's popped up in my head... I was thinking "Midas Touch" yesterday, but I'm not so sure it fits anymore. We'll see...

Thanks for the encouragment, guys! sloppy y'all are just the best!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies