Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
A belated thought on this - while Clark himself may or may not be a US citizen, any child definitely will be - which gives us the interesting possibility of a super-powered son or daughter running for political office... Not quite sure why anyone with super-powers would WANT to be president, but I'm sure that someone could come up with some ideas.
In the US, he would not be eligible to run for president as any candidate must be born in the country. This was put into the Constitution back in 1787 because of fears that a foreign born person, particularly British, could swoop in and take over the country. It's probably an outdated concept now since we're very much a nation of immigrants, but it would be very hard to pass an amendment.

Superman would be eligible to run for any other political office, though. Clark could probably run for president but I doubt he would because of the scrutiny presidential candidates are put through. The press would find everything, including any shady things that may have happened in the adoption process.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin