I wasn't saying that women are not interested in the original or not interested in things that go boom (tm). Speaking from personal experience I always look for the possibility of some complexity in terms of interpersonal relationships primarily. That doesn't necessarily mean that the characters need to hook up in the series or have a particular relationship--just that there needs to be that spark of something between people, not just glitzy effects and explosions (although I'm cool with that, I just don't think it's enough). And by the way, that doesn't mean I only like shippy shows/movies, just that what catches my eye the most tends not be a show with wooden characters and glam effects. I don't know though, if this has anything to do with organization, what I was speaking to was the whole fanfiction phenomena and how it ties to SF. I always thought fanfiction as a version of series where an author can push a "what if." The biggest "what if"s tend to be gaps and the biggest gaps in Sci Fi and most action genres tend to generally be in the exploration of interpersonal relationships.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan