Cool! Thanks SO much!!!! smile The images are incredibly helpful! And YAY! Cause if he comes back in the black suit, my story is saaaaaaaved!!!! WOOOOOOO. (sorry, I have to get excited about *something* I'm sitting here with the phone cradled between my shoulder and my ear, trying to help out a friend with the computer she keeps messing up... this is the 3rd time in 2 weeks she needs to reinstall something. And if she needs to reboot again, I will scream cause this is a long distance call.... LOL! ...sorry... I know I babble... LOL!)

Nancy - I did record the episodes on tape back then, too. smile And I can't get rid of the tapes either. Except on the tapes I only have Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3. I suppose the tapes from Season 1 got lost at some point... The rest of S3 and S4 I never had at all.

I also have 2 copies of S1 on DVD, but that's a sad story... I had to buy it again after lending the pilot episode to someone from whom I can never get it again. whinging

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies