Thanks for asking about "Stardust". I'm flattered it's been missed smile .

Part 6 is drafted but is, unfortunately, far from being ready to post, and I am once again going out of town. All this travel is wreaking havoc on my writing schedule, but such is real life at the moment. I'm taking my laptop with me, however, and hope to have the update knocked into shape and ready to post when I return in a week. Right now I seem to have the "Dick and Jane" version of Part 6, which is weird for me. Usually my first draft has a zillion unnecessary adverbs and all kinds of extraneous junk in it that I have to cut out, but this is the opposite: Clark was sad. Clark was mad. See Clark be sad and mad. Ugh!

But I digress... I promise I'm still writing, and unless LabRat's Bus Theory comes into play (and I'm really hoping it doesn't, frankly, for lots of reasons!) I'll be back with some more "Stardust" in a week or so.

Thanks for your patience smile
