Okay so this has probably been mentioned a whole bunch already but I'm too lazy to go back and find the related threads...

On the Archive they have that Superman Returns poll and it asks about whether it made you want to read/write fanfiction, which made me think more and more about something I had noticed myself after seeing the movie.

It seems to me that Superman Returns is like one big fanfic, somewhere along the lines of an elseworld story since there is the whole Jason thing and the going off into space for five years thing. So I'm wondering how other people feel about this. (I also find this pretty interesting since I thought I read somewhere that Bryan Singer doesn't really know too much about the Man of Steel.)

It was one of the many things about the movie that was both a pro and a con (I had a lot of those once I made my pros and cons list for this movie...). I thought it was a good thing because it was really radical to bring such an idea into the Superman universe (it hasn't even been done in the current comics series at all and may never be addressed at all). It was the most original thing about the movie, I thought, and it definitely made things more interesting. However I thought it was kinda a bad thing since it does a)limit where the writers can go with the sequels (it seems that Lois is destined to find out the CK=S thing in the next one, for e.g., and by the third one the kid's gonna be doing the teenager thing...) and b) what makes Superman/Clark/Lois so good is that love triangle dynamic, which as I mentioned, may soon be ruled out. Plus, I think it puts some pressure on the comic book writers to at least consider bringing up super-kids in the books...after all, Lois and Clark *eventually* got married in the comics. So *eventually* they'll probably start talking about kids.

Okay these are just my thoughts on the subject. Feel free to agree/disagree/attack/express your own opinions. I'm just curious to hear some other FoLCs opinions on this matter.

PS-I know this is kinda off-topic. But I did think it was also fanfic-related. I guess I'll leave it to the moderators to decide where this actually belongs.

PPS-If my original assumption is correct about this already being discussed, somebody point me in the direction of that thread...thanks!

"Oh--as usual--dear." -Giles