Any gushing would be really, really premature. (But deeply appreciated! laugh ) I just have this 'Thing' lingering on my HD that I'd like to get rid of. I had the thought that a dash of Nigel might be the missing ingredient.

However-- and thank you to MetroRhodes and SQD ( wave !!) for their answers-- he dies far too early.

Or... maybe it was one of those poisons that only makes you look dead, but within a few hours you feel much improved. Maybe?

And just to be sure I have it right, Jason/Jace is just this generic bad guy, yes? Unrelated to anyone else, but he happens to have Tempus's diary? Does he die, then? Or just... go to the Failed Bad Guy Retirement Home?

Thank you for all the answers and comments, everyone!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
