I had seen that too Emrys, but I assumed that Smallville Press was referring to either a college or a high school paper. (Don't ask me why I made that assumption - I just did) I could see Clark being an editor for his high school or college paper...

Just a guess.

For my story I think I'll stick with Smallville Post.

Oooh. You know, I just thought of another place I could check (if I'm feeling ambitious). Remember in Tempus Fugitive when they go back in time to Smallville, 1966. Lois grabs a paper to look at the date. I wonder if we can see the paper clearly enough to see if it's the Smallville Post???

Just a thought. smile1 If I quit being lazy and drag out my DVD's, I'll let you know.

Thanks for pointing that out though! laugh

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.