
I had hoped to have another short chapter to post this weekend, however, I've found it impossible to write.

Last week I drove down to the south of England to visit my father-in-law. It was a long drive and I aslo developed a nasty chest cold. Driving for almost 10 hours while feeling ill is not a good idea. frown I was really glad to reach home.

Since then I've been feeling ill, but it's hard for me since I also have to keep caring for John, who I'm sure you know by now is disabled.

Anyway, I did try to write, but found I didn't have the strength or the concentration to sit at the computer for very long.

I am starting to feel better and hope to write some more this weekend for my betareaders to check. I promise to post as soon as I can, but will probably just manage part of a chapter.

I hate to do this to you and I hope you will stick with this story. It really doesn't have to much further to go.

Yours Jenni