Holy Cow! With such an amazing plea, how could I refuse? Really, thanks so much for the support. Because when I read this, it sparks those creative juices, which of late have been kind of dormant.

I do have plans to finish this. I have half a dozen or more half-written scenes, outlines, ideas and the like, all of it floating on my hard-drive like a bunch of loose ends that need tying. I've just been pre-occupied with non-fanfic writing. I think I need to pull out the LnC DVDs and have myself a Lois and Clark-Fest. That's usually all it takes to get their voices going in my head again.

No promises of time lines, but I do plan to finish this. I hate that I've left it this long, and my apologies to anyone out there who's been annoyed by my dragging them in and then leaving them stuck in the muck.

Thanks again for the feedback. You've made my week. smile


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah