Clark, at least, would be extremely attracted to Wanda, and I think he would somehow sense that there was something wrong with her. He would discreetly try to find out more about her, and he would definitely discover that Luthor was very much involved in her life. As Clark would distrust Luthor, he would try to dig deeper and find out more about "Wanda Detroit". He might indeed trace her to the Congo, and possibly even learn that her name is Lois Lane. He could try to meet her and tell her what he has learnt about her.
Clark’s nature makes him want to know about people and if he senses a problem with Lois he is sure to ask questions. This will lead him to learn more about her and in return he will eventually learn about himself. I like this approach and feel I can work from this direction. My story revolves around Togom and branches off from there.

Maybe you or someone else would consider writing your version as a story it is very interesting. I had come across a snippet in one of my WIP’s that could make my original idea develop further except in that Lois also has amnesia but for an entirely different reason. Originally, I had intended for alt-Lois to have amnesia but now I think I have a better use for her. With your suggestions it has brought to mind a third piece, which I can link with this story to help it along as well.

My biggest problem is story development. I have too many ideas how to accomplish almost the same thing or that uses my original background but involve something entirely new. Which is highly frustrating! Now at least I have a direction to go. Thank you all.

DJ I look forward "Remember Me".

TLAT hyper

~ It was because she'd been speechless. Her. Lois Lane.
Supreme Babbler. Had been speechless. ~
Reluctantly Engaged)