If you've kept a close eye on the dates for the Alt-Kerths, you already know nominating has started as of today. If you didn't know that yet, then by reading this post now, you do. wink

Nominations run from May 21st until June 3rd midnight EST. Which means you have two weeks left to read/view/watch on whatever you want to nominate. You do not have to nominate in every category. Even if you just want to nominate one thing, that's perfectly fine.

Now the question is, how do you nominate? This year, we've made it a bit easier for you all. We've created a special nominating form that can be downloaded from our site. You can find the form here. If, for whatever reason, you cannot use the form, you can send your nominations to us by email, to alt_kerths at hotmail dot com (please remove all spaces and replace at by @ and dot by .) The nominations form should also be emailed to that address.

For any questions, feel free to email us (private emails to one of the committee members is also possible) or post here. We'll get back to you as soon as possible then.

Because I'm no good at keeping a diary, I'll give you the important dates for the rest of this year's Alt-Kerths.

Nominating: May 21 - June 3
Voting: June 11 - June 17
Ceremony: June 24

I think that covers about everything for now. All that's left then is for me to wish you good luck!

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna, Rachel, Sara and Saskia

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!