
I will when payday hits - hopefully I remember! Where's that list of mine...

I would like to pay by cheque, but to do that I have to do it in CDN. If I do USD I have to pay to make a money order or I get charged for making my cheque in USD.

I work in an accounting dept and we use the regular o'Bank of Canada currency coverter. If I do it in CAD I can donate more. The minimum I'd like to donate is $15USD. Can I change that to CAD? I will use the exchange rate that happens on my payday.

What would you guys be charged if I do it in CAD?

Please let me know what you guys prefer. You can e-mail me if you like.

Sorry - I'm a newbie at this. Please let me know if I am not seeing something simple. If I missed some info on this, sorry.


I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.