It's that time of year again to start thinking about the Alt-Kerths! Now we know the Kerths are only just over, but we thought we'd give you all something to look forward to again.

We decided to step aside from our non-annual status and make it annual, especially since there are so many creative FoLC's around at the moment! We were amazed to see how long some of the eligble lists already are.

Anyway, this year, the ceremony will be on June 24th so please mark it on your calender. wink The cut off for eligibility is April 30th, so for those of you who want to be eligible this year, you still have some time left.

We will be giving out more information soon, but we thought we'd already share this much. Also, don't forget to check our brand new website: It is still under construction, but keep checking while we update.

One last thing. We always have a special theme. And this year, it's none other than Dan Scardino!

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna, Rachel, Sara and Saskia

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!