Thanks for the detailed walk-through, Wendy. It's been very helpful when signing onto IRC. But now I wanted to try it out before the Kerths and thought I'd try to get on #loisclark, but every time I try to sign up for the password I get this message:

#loisclark Channel Signup Confirmation

... .
Confirmation Required

The Loisclark IRC Chatroom service requires a confirmation in order to prevent others from subscribing you to the list without your consent. You have been sent an email with a special link. When you receive the email, please click on the link, or copy and paste it into your browser to enable your subscription.
... but I never receive the email. This happened when I was trying to get the password for nfic at Annesplace, and eventually when I signed up using a different email addy (which I no longer have access to), it worked. Does this not work with AOL?

Any help from anyone, please smile smile It would be greatly appreciated.
