Day Zero has arrived so it's time to give you the answers to the quiz.

First, the missing letters in each quote.

Quote 1:
Sometimes you think you're immortal and you start to think the people around you are, too. It can just take a second to realize how wrong you are about everything.

Missing letter(s): S

Quote 2:
Clark died trying to protect me. In one lousy second, they took away my partner and my best friend. You know the worst part? Clark died without ever knowing...

Missing letter(s): A

Quote 3:
You have been scooping and flying on a fairly regular basis ever since I have known you. And now, now that we are surrounded by crazed insects and murderous plants, now, you think would be a bad time.

Missing letter(s): R

Quote 4:
Okay, fine, we almost kissed us. Look, Clark, other, other Clark, I'm in a really weird place right now. I, I miss my husband, whom you look exactly like. And, it wouldn't take a lot of imagination to pretend you were him, but you're not him, and I love him, and you have to understand that.

Missing letter(s): N

Quote 5:
Lois: How do I look?
Clark: Appropriately cheap.
Lois: Just let me do most of the talking.
Clark: You usually do.

Missing letter(s): P

This is the point at which some people probably thought the word was 'superman'. How wrong you were. laugh

Quote 6:
So, how about the wallpaper? Do you think we should take it down and put it back up together so that we can bond?

Missing letter(s): W E

Anybody think the missing letter was I? wink

Quote 7:
Clark, drop the Kevin-Costner-protecting-Whitney-Houston bit. We're inside the Planet. I think we're safe here.

Missing letter(s): E

Quote 8:
You seemed to really like the place. I mean -- it's in the city. It's got character. And a secret compartment which is hard to find in a building this style. All you have to do is say the word. It's ours if you want it.

Missing letter(s): P

In summary, the missing letters were:


Rearrange them, and you get...

Actually, I think I'll let someone else have the pleasure of posting the answer. laugh
