Okay, taking a page out of Arianna Carlin's book, we have a message for you...

Never Order Mushrooms In North Alaskan Territories, Edna!

Ahem. Moving swiftly on, yesterday's quote was from Ordinary People. Lots of good lines in that ep!

Today's quote:
Okay, fine, we almost kissed us. Look, Clark, other, other Clark, I'm in a really weird place right now. I, I miss my husband, whom you look exactly like. And, it wouldn't take a lot of imagination to pretend you were him, but you're not him, and I love him, ad you have to understand that.
Same as before - find the missing letter and identify the episode. Think you've got a good idea what the word is yet?

Oh, and by the way, you do realise that what we're actually doing here is training you all to be beta-readers, don't you? laugh
