Originally posted by gerry:
I have a question to help ML even though she doesn't know I'm asking.

What would a person in Metropolis call the "powder room" or the "loo"?

How does the one in a public restaurant differ from one at home in terms of what it's called?

Would a man use a different euphemism than a woman?

Powder rooms have a particular meaning here in the states. Those are essentially bathrooms in a home without a shower or bath tub, usually on the main floor where guests can access it.

Most people I know just refer to bathrooms as bathrooms, even in a restaurant. The politer term that people use is restroom, which is what businesses and restaurants tend to call them. At home, it's always a bathroom.

With small kids, I tend to refer to it as the potty. wink

Nobody in the states uses "loo".

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin