Thanks guys this all really does help. I've been trying to figure out everything before really writing the story problem with that is my muse is easily side tracked. She likes to jump from idea to idea which works to my detriment because it usually sparks a new idea that involves the same episode I was trying to focus on. Case in point I have at least four that revolve around HoL. Ideas some with substance others without but none can be combined to further one good story.

ML I like your approach to writing. I loved Curiosity I, II and wondered how you did that. How you made your audience worry and wonder about Lois what happened to her why she was not in contact if she could be? By approaching the story in that way you created tension, which is something I was always jealous of. I will try this method because I really hate outlines.

Sileas your idea of submitting a story that others can help with is a good one. I thought through my ideas and picked one that has some details be really has not entered the actual writing stage. Thought it best to avoid my already bad habits. I will submit this at a later date. The story is not on my computer and needs to be narrowed to bare facts.

Motivations don't have to be very complex. Trask's motivation is he hates/fears aliens, and wants to know how to control/destroy Superman.

Goals need to be more specific. Trask wants to discover if Lois Lane can contact Superman, and he doesn't care if she dies in the process.
PJ this helps a lot my mother says that I tend to over complicate things. It helps to remember that sometimes a bad guy just likes to be bad, no real reason for this.

(Not, oh, he was frightened as a child and ever since fears anything that flies. So superman being the biggest living flying bird in the world is a huge threat. smile1

~ It was because she'd been speechless. Her. Lois Lane.
Supreme Babbler. Had been speechless. ~
Reluctantly Engaged)