Let me add my most heartfelt thank you to Anna, Saskia and Rachel (and all their helpers) for organising the whole Alt-Kerths process, from quizzes to ceremony. I know you guys put in an amazing amount of work into these awards, and I *so* wish I'd been able to attend and join in the fun in what seems to have been a very successful evening. smile

Unfortunately, some annoying kind of bug knocked me out and prevented me from being bright and breezy so late in the night, and so I had to cave in and go to bed instead. frown I'm still fighting the after-effects and not truly eating yet. :p

So I'd like to thank Saskia for being so understanding when I emailed her saying I couldn't attend, Jill for filling in when I couldn't present, and Wendy for agreeing to step onto the stage if that turned out to be necessary. smile Having seen the log, I have to say she cracked me up and said pretty much what I would have said indeed. goofy

And speaking of which... HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hyper It was already amazing to be nominated so many times, but you FoLCs made me win four awards!! Whoa!!!!!!!!! jawdrop Thank you so very much! Mind you, you guys must think I have something special going for that song, My Immortal... and of course Wendy revealed that I managed to listen to it for 11 hours straight on a train journey to Cheshire. Yes, yes, I confess! I did! And I still love the song every bit as much.

I want to give you guys a particular thank you for the two awards you gave me for the My Immortal video. This one is very special to me for a bunch of reasons: not only was it my very first video, not only was it made with my very favourite song ever, but first and foremost, it was made for my very dear friend Wendy as an au revoir (and certainly not goodbye!! She's stuck with me laugh ) when she moved to Canada. So thank you guys for enjoying this video. It means very, very much to me. smile

And congratulations to all the nominees and winners!

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~