I'm with Lab. Even if it's been done, you'll have a different take on it.

I know I did something similar in "Truth, Justice, and the Kryptonian Way," but I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only one to remember. It was one of my first stories, it didn't come out at all like I'd intended, and, basically, it's not that good. (Remember that thread about developing styles and how we're all kind of embarassed about our early work...?)

As for NK society, every NK fic I've read has written them differently. We have hints from the series (more now than when I wrote my story, since that was the summer after BGDF), but you're free to make up the rest. I don't think there's any general agreement about any specific point. Basically, NK is kind of short on fanon, so don't worry about it.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.