Centuries ago when I was in junior high we had to read a short story in which you could take time travel vacations of going back into the past and hunting. The premise was that they scouted it out before they took you so that you killed the animal just before it died anyway. However in the story it was very important that you remain on this marked path because if you changed anything terrible things would happend. Well in the story the "hunter" became terrified of the dinosaurs they were hunting and ran through the forest off the designated path. The guide went crazy because in doing so he killed an insect. The hunter couldn't understand the big deal until they returned to their time and found out it had all changed because of 1 insect dying a million years before.

It is based on the idea of the ripple effect. In the large scheme of things a lone insect seems like nothing. But it would have reproduced and had many babies. Now with those not existing other animals are effected because all those babies won't reproduce. Plus they would be in the food chain for others to feed on which can lead to famine, disease, war.

So if you believe this and I do which is why I couldn't figure out why Tempus could do all this messing around with Superman and wind up even being born in the future. So your idea has plenty of merit.