I should have done this a long time ago, but better late than never, right?

I'm looking to pass on the reins for HoC.

About a year ago, I was getting everything ready for the archive, and making good progress at it, too. One author asked for some time to edit, but never got back to me. In the meantime, I've been dealing with my various health issues and such, and I haven't been particularly competent or motivated.

I suppose, technically, at this point, I could just gather up what there is (basically, the posts on the boards, but swapping two edited parts sent by email for the originals) and send it in. It's doable (although it does mean writing off the author who wanted to edit but hasn't been in touch), but the way things have been, I'd prefer if someone else was willing to take over the job.

Anyone out there up for it?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.