Hey ML!

Here it is, but I don't have one of those fabulous latin keyboards, so just keep in mind that none of the accents are in place. smile
1.) Doctor can be "medico" OR "doctor". Both are fine.
2.)Don't move.=No te muevas./No se mueva. (use the "te" one if the person knows the other person well, use "se" if they are strangers/acquaintances)
3.)She's awake.=Esta despierta.
4.)There are all *kinds* of terms of endearment, but the basics (that I think someone would use for his new bride) would be "querida" (my dear), "carina" (also my dear/darling/honey), "corazon" (literally means heart, but is actually meant to be more like sweetheart), and of course, "mi amor" (my love).

Hope this helps! I prefer Spanish over French, too...although it's probably because my Spanish teacher is waaay cooler than my French teacher. goofy

Mirage smile

Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?

Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!