Calling all scholars of the Nuances of Time Travel. I'll try to boil this down into a reasonably understandable question, but it's so wiggly inside my head, it just continues to sprawl and ooze everywhere. Very ugly.

If I had my own personal time machine and could jump in and out of time on whim, could I conceivably be immortal?

I know I still have a normal life span, but what if I consistently returned to the same year in my own timeline before I traveled again? Say I started time jumping when I was a young and dewy 22 year old in 1990. And no matter where or when I go, I always return to 1990 before I jump again. Am I still 22 everywhere else, thus never aging?

(And is it normal that I've tortured myself two days straight in the carpool line thinking myself in perfect circles?)

SOS and a big, fat thank you to anyone who is willing to offer up a point of view. I'm all ears. And, frankly, my head hurts.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
