I'm just catching up with this fun topic tonight (hi magical! smile ) Cute idea for a fic; I'm looking forward to reading it.

I agree with those who said that, if you really want to keep the timeline, you can't use anything from today, since the story would be set in 1995. (Of course, there is always the explanation that songs might be released at different time since this isn't necessarily "our" universe, but I still tend to think it would pull some people out of the story if you tried it.)

Therefore, I would recommend some old standards -- easier to sing than some of the newer songs, and we know from the show that both L&C have a liking for them.

For Clark, how about "I Only Have Eyes For You" by the Flamingos? (That was the song playing during the stakeout on their "almost first date".) Or, if you wanted to go for something a bit more fun, I absolutely adore the Gershwin standard, "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off". Or how about "It Had To Be You"? That one isn't too hard to sing, but it's pretty appropriate for their relationship. smile

For Lois ... oh, boy, "I've Got A Crush On You" is perfect, especially if she chose it to sing to Clark knowing he'd remember the last time she sang it. You could work that into the story, her knowing that he'd love it. smile I'm sure there are others, but for some reason, it's always easier for me to get into Clark's head than Lois's. <g> Plus, there's the fact that she can sing, so her choices are more broad. wink Maybe she could do the Elvis song ... how about "Burning Love"? LOL, that would send a message. wink

Fun stuff. smile
