
Anna B. the Greek- "The Wall Between Us"
I had finished this story and was looking for a BR... when I had a hard disk failure and lost it I have now found a BR, but have no time to write. I can take advantage of the small bits of spare time I have every now and then, but... I don't think it's gonna be ready any time soon. I can only promise it *will* be finished, sometime in the future.
Bad computer! [Linked Image]

Bad computer! [Linked Image]

StarKat- "Threads of Fate"
Could you please remove Threads of Fate from the deceased list? It actually belongs in the coma list, as I plan on continuing the story when I have the time. Between work and taking care of a 6-month old baby, I have very little time to write right now, but I am told that eventually Riley will learn to entertain himself and I'll have a little time to myself that isn't stolen from time I should be sleeping.
OK! Two more years. Coma. thumbsup

Windfall- "The Inheritance"
Has it been two months????
eek Yes, two months.

I’m waiting. evil

Dannel, Simona, Nan, Mr_d8a
Tarkas- "Imbalance"
mecry I feel the same way too.

MAF blush

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.