OK, I admit it. I'm cheating. I'm asking for your help.

I'm taking a writing class, and we have to complete a character study questionnaire. I'm using one of my old fanfics as my "working story", so my two characters are - say it with me - Lois and Clark.

Some of the questions I have to fill in about Lois and then Clark are:
List 10 Positive adjectives/characteristics that describe the hero/heroine.
List 10 Negative adjectives/characteristics that describe the hero/heroine.
List 10 Neutral or Subjective adjectives/characteristics that describe the hero/heroine (such as Introvert or Quiet).

So...any good ideas out there? It's funny but I seem to have no problem coming up with positives for both (easier for Clark than Lois) and negatives for Lois, but I can't manage to come up with negatives for Clark. Perhaps that's because he's Superman <g>.

This should be interesting. Thanks.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah