smile Hi everyone!

I'm new on the L&Cfic scene, and one of my greatest regrets was never getting to see Lois & Clark actually start a family, which is what attracts me to family fics so much. However, there aren't many of them, because, naturally, most fics focus on Lois and Clark's relationship (which was the point of the show and what I love to read also anyway).

I was just wondering what everyone's favourite family fics are, with a focus on the following topics (and they don't all have to be in one story, of course):

-Lois conceiving/Clark finding out
-Lois pregnant/giving birth
-L&C showing off their new baby to everyone
-L&C handling the very, very beginning of childhood (from taking the baby home, say, until their child is about 7 or 8)
-the couple having more children after the first one
-a full house/rich family life

I know this seems very broad, like every family fic that has ever been written, but I just love them and I'd love to hear from everyone!

Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?

Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!